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Yes! Everything you’ve set up in one Blackboard course can be copied into another one. This can save you a lot of time, particularly if you teach the same course frequently.
Generally, it’s easier to copy an entire course and delete any content that you don’t want after the copy is complete than it is to copy parts of a course. (See the note below for more information.)
- Go to the older course, i.e., the one that has material you want to copy into a new course.
- Click the Packages and Utilities link in the Course Management section of the left-hand menu to display its options. (If you don’t see the Packages and Utilities link, click the Control Panel link to make sure all of its menu options are visible.)
- Click the Course Copy link. The Copy Course page will open.
- Click the Browse button next to the “Destination Course ID” textbox to select the course you’ll be copying content into. A pop-up window that displays a list of your courses will open.
- Click the course to select it.
- Click the Submit button at the bottom-right side of the window. The pop-up window will close, and the code for the course into which you’re copying content will now appear in the “Destination Course ID” textbox.
- Select checkboxes for the specific types of content that you want to copy. We recommend that you click the Select All button, then deselect checkboxes for content that might be outdated, like announcements. IMPORTANT: Before continuing, see the note below if you’re copying discussions, assignments, and/or test and surveys.
- Select the Copy links and copies of content (include entire course home folder) option in the File Attachments section. This will ensure that you retain copies of the course’s files long term; if you only link to them, they’ll be deleted after two years.
- Click the Submit button on the bottom-right side of the page. You’ll see a confirmation message that your course copy has started.
The copy process might take several minutes; you’ll receive an email once it’s fully complete. New content that you’ve copied will be listed at the bottom of your course’s menu.

Copying certain types of content can be tricky. Here are some considerations:
- Discussions: To remove threads and replies and include only the original forum when you copy discussions from one course to another, select the Include only the forums, with no starter posts option. Otherwise, students in your new course will see posts made by students in your old one.
- Assignments: Be sure to select both Grade Center Columns & Settings and the Content Area an assignment is in. Otherwise, it won’t copy properly.
- Tests or Surveys: Be sure to select 3 items: Grade Center Columns & Settings, Tests, Surveys, and Pools, and the Content Area the test or survey is in. Otherwise, it won’t copy properly.