Mid-Course Assessment

Every Fall and Spring, the Center Academic Innovation’s Mid-Course Assessment (MCA) helps University of Southern Maine (USM) faculty receive anonymous feedback from their students regarding specific areas of their course design and teaching, and make any necessary changes. Hundreds of students answer this survey each semester. This survey is not required by the university. Results are kept confidential, shared only with individual faculty members and select members of the Academic Innovation team, and are not considered as part of student evaluations of teaching. Please direct all questions to Rucha Modak at rucha.modak@maine.edu or Ryan Hatcher at ryan.hatcher@maine.edu, and not to the Office of Academic Assessment.

Sign-up for the MCA

As previously indicated all of the data collection and processing will be conducted through Qualtrics rather than Google Forms. If you would like to use a google form to collect data please indicate that in the sign-up form, and we will work with you to facilitate your MCA. Please see below a quick summary of the MCA timeline for the Fall 2024 semester:

  • Instructor sign-up will begin September 30th and last until October 11th.
  • Student assessments will open October 15th for those who signed up by October 11th, and upon sign-up for those after.
  • Data and reports will be provided to you automatically starting October 28th for student responses collected by October 25th.
  • The student assessment will remain open for the semester; however additional reports after October 28th must be requested directly at ryan.hatcher@maine.edu.

MCA Preview

The survey has two sections: “The Syllabus” and “The Instructor and Learning Environment”. Both sections pose quantitative questions and allow open-ended feedback. Only you and select members of the Academic Innovation team will have access to the assessment feedback.

Click here to view a preview of the Mid-Course assessment
