Student Insight:
“I hardly had enough self-drive to go to the in-person classes, so I was like maybe if I do the online classes, it’ll be easier, and then a week rolled by and then two weeks rolled by and then three weeks rolled by, and I’m like man I haven’t done any of my [work]. Keeping [myself] accountable is a huge lesson I had to learn.”
Identifying the Challenge:
As finals draw near, students navigating courses for the first time, or at least first time in a while, might be falling behind out of fatigue or sense of being overwhelmed.
Quick Tip:
Ask your students about strategies they find helpful to complete assignments or juggle multiple classes. Those who have found systems which work for them are often eager to share. Their peers in need of this support will appreciate it. Utilizing Brightspace tools like “Checklists” may also help students stay on track and develop their managing skills.
The Student View offers simple tips developed in response to real student experiences voiced in focus groups and interviews conducted by the Center for Technology Enhanced Learning.
For more teaching resources, visit usmdl.org.
Quick Tip icon source: Flaticon.com