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Congratulations to University of Southern Maine Faculty Approved for Tenure!

Congratulations to the following University of Maine System Faculty Approved for Tenure at the University of Souther Maine: Eklou AmendahAssociate Professor with TenureMarketing Rachel CaseyAssociate Professor with TenureSocial Work Michael CauvelAssociate Professor with TenureEconomics Debra Gillespie Associate Professor with TenureNursing…
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Call for Proposals: UNE’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) 2024 Symposium

Call for Proposals CETL Symposium 2024 UNE’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) invites faculty, administrators and staff to hold the date and submit a proposal for the CETL Symposium on May 14, 2024 for an exciting day…
Text that reads: Student View: Increasing Peer and Faculty Connection

Student View: Increasing Peer and Faculty Connection

Student Insight: “I don’t feel any connection with anybody…I don’t know my teacher at all.” Identifying the Challenge: Students, especially those in blended or online courses, may feel socially removed from their class, feeling burnt out. Quick Tip: Creating “check-in”…