Mid-Term Assessment is Back!

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CTEL’s Mid-Term Assessment (MTA)

Hundreds of students answer our survey each semester. This survey is not required by the university. Results are kept confidential, shared only with individual faculty members, and not be considered as part of student evaluations of teaching.

We are making a change in the process to help streamline our services and better integrate with other University of Southern Maine instructor development initiatives. All of the data collection and processing will be conducted through Qualtrics rather than Google Forms.

A quick summary of the MTA timeline for the Fall 2023 semester:

  • Instructor sign-up will begin September 29th and last until October 11th
  • Student assessments will open on October 11th and last until October 25th
  • Instructor Sign-up will remain open after October 11th; however, for those who sign up after October 11th, data collection will be done through Google Forms rather than Qualtrics.
  • It is still possible to request custom questions; however, data collection will be done through Google Forms rather than Qualtrics.
  • Data and reports will be available on request starting October 11th and provided to you automatically starting October 25th
  • The student assessment will remain open for the duration of the semester. Additional data and reporting after October 25th can be completed upon request.

Click here for a preview of the assessment. Use the sign-up link below to receive a link that you can send to your students.

First-of-its-kind collaborative faculty development event between UNE and USM

The Center for Technology Enhanced Learning (CTEL) is excited to invite you to a collaborative faculty development event between UNE and USM on Tuesday, October 3rd. Our panelists are USM instructors Dr. Mindy Butler, Assistant Professor, Department of Literacy, Language, and Culture, Sara Needleman, Lecturer and ETEP coordinator, and Dr. Melanie Dilorenzo, Associate Teaching Professor of Chemistry will represent UNE. 

In this session, our panelists will share how and why they ask for mid-term feedback from their students. Mid-term feedback refers to feedback solicited from students while the course is in progress. Using this feedback system can benefit both the instructor and students. 

It will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, October 3rd from 5 to 6 pm with plenty of time for the audience to ask questions. All faculty, including part-time faculty, and staff members are welcome!

Please sign up here to receive a link to join this Zoom session. 

Happy to help.

Contact us with any questions or concerns at ctelhelp@maine.edu.
